
Fashionable color sensitive

Pink lens

This is a very common color. It absorbs 95% of the UV light. If the glasses are used to correct vision, it is better for women who often wear them to choose pink lenses, because pink lenses have better absorption function for ultraviolet rays, and can reduce the overall light intensity, so the wearer will feel more comfortable.

Purple lens

Like pink lens, it is more popular with mature women because of its relatively deep color.

Blue lens

Blue lenses can be worn when playing on the beach. Blue can effectively filter out the blue reflected by the sea and sky. However, we should avoid using blue lenses when driving, because it will make us unable to distinguish the color of traffic signals.

Detailed parameters

VarietyT blueT purpleT powder
Refractive index1.5541.5541.554
Abbe number37.637.637.6
Variable colorBluePurplePowder
Optional filmHardening
green film
green film + waterproof membrane
Blue Film + waterproof membrane
br > membrane + waterproof membrane
anti corona film + waterproof membrane
green film
green film + waterproof membrane
Blue Film + waterproof membrane
br > membrane + waterproof membrane
anti corona film + waterproof membrane
green film
green film + waterproof membrane
Blue Film + waterproof membrane
br > membrane + waterproof membrane
anti corona film + waterproof membrane
Visual effectsSpherical surfaceSpherical surfaceSpherical surface
Practical functionsIntelligent color changeIntelligent color changeIntelligent color change
Scope of film6373852884989448302992273.png6373852884989448302992273.png6373852884989448302992273.png
Custom luminosity
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